Tariff & Calculator

The Port Towage tariff is based on both the LOA of the vessels assisted and the type of assistance rendered. The tariff is a flat 365/24 rate per tug; there are no surcharges for weekends, holidays or overtime. The current tariff, including terms and conditions, can be found under the link below.

Operation Tugs Required 1 Tariff/tug (€) Subtotal (€)
Entering the locks inbound
1,039 0
Leaving the locks inbound 2
1,039 0
Mooring Amsterdam
1,039 0
Unmooring Amsterdam
1,039 0
Entering the locks outbound 2
1,039 0
Leaving the locks outbound
1,039 0
Mooring from Innerpierheads to TATA/Lightering Dolphins/Fishersharbour
1,039 0
Unmooring from TATA/Lightering Dolphins/Fishersharbour to Innerpierheads
1,039 0
Mooring lightering Dolphins IJmuiden
1,039 0
From lightering Dolphins into the locks
1,101 0
Leaving the locks inbound 2
1,039 0
Mooring Amsterdam
1,039 0
Unmooring Amsterdam
1,039 0
Entering the locks outbound
1,039 0
Leaving the locks outbound 2
1,039 0
Total Tariff
Bunker surcharge (currently: 15.75%) 3
Total towage charges per call
Discounts are available and are generally dependent on frequency of calls and/or the term of the contract commitment.

1 Even the largests vessels rarely use more then 2 tugs for any manouvre.

2 Especially Panamax+ vessels could need 1 tug for assistance sailing out of the locks.

3 The bunker surcharge percentage is dependent on the current bunker price

4 The Port Towage Tariff is based on LOA of the vessels assisted, LOA in meters rounded upwards.